Europe Jobs Today DYNAMIC Travel Mumbai Delhi

Europe Jobs Today 

Asphalt Plant Operator

Trimmer Operator(CMI TR22B-HD or similar type

Cement Treated Base /Subbase Plant Operator

Cappari Beam Trailer Operator
Case Operator

Cat D740 Articulated Truck Operator

Concrete Plant Operator
Crusher Operator

Drill (Tamrock) Operator
Elba Operator

Elephante Operator

Launching Girder Operator

Paver/Finisher Operator

Gantry Crane Operator

Power Broom Operator

Wash/Screen Plant Operator

Candidate should have minimum 2-3 years overseas experience.
Preference for the experience in Road, Bridges, Highway etc.
Food & Accommodation provided by client.

To apply: Send your resume to with educational/
experience certificates.
For more opportunities please log on to Or Call below:
Delhi: +91-9899406656/ +91-9871370088/ +91-8826246884
Chennai: +91-95000-80387
Kochi: +91-63795-97650
Mumbai: +91-88790-48560
Baroda: +91-99132-33777